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The National Education Association started Read Across America Day in 1997. The history behind Read Across America Day can be found on their website.
Eastern Christian Elementary School had a fun week and invited guest readers come in to each classroom on March 2nd (Dr. Seuss’ birthday) to read a Dr. Seuss book. Instead of teachers reading, several pastors from churches in the area were invited (some who are also parents) to read. It was a great way to continue building relationships between EC and church communities. There was also a fun theme for each day: Pajama Day, Crazy Sock Day, Hat Day, Red & Blue Day, and Green Day.
Various classrooms have also been reading his books and doing projects and crafts to promote reading and celebrating the wonderful books that Dr. Seuss wrote.
Thank you to all the pastors that joined us! Trevor Payton (Covenant CRC), Jeremy Mulder (Restore) Rod Gorter (MP CRC) Jim Bushoven (Hawthorne Gospel) KC Vande Streek (Faith Community CRC)